Toru Tamura is a renowned Japanese blacksmith known for his superior craftsmanship and traditional techniques. With beginnings in a knife store in Calgary, Canada, Tamura-san returned to Japan to apprentice under Hiroshi Kato-san at the Takefu Knife Village. Specializing in the Ni-Mai technique, he creates unique single bevel knives. His collaborations with the famed Myojin family have resul. . .
Toru Tamura is a renowned Japanese blacksmith known for his superior craftsmanship and traditional techniques. With beginnings in a knife store in Calgary, Canada, Tamura-san returned to Japan to apprentice under Hiroshi Kato-san at the Takefu Knife Village. Specializing in the Ni-Mai technique, he creates unique single bevel knives. His collaborations with the famed Myojin family have resulted in remarkable knife lines such as the Tetsujin Hamono and Hatsukokoro Shirasagi. Tamura-san's dedication to perfection, innovative use of traditional steels, and his unique, thinner blade style set him apart in the world of Japanese knife-making. His journey from store employee to esteemed blacksmith inspires all who value the artistry and tradition of Japanese knives. You can read more about him in our blog post here.
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